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Exergy Performance LML Duramax Improved Stock CP4.2 Pump

E04 10504
- Exergy Performance 2011-2016 LML Duramax Improved Stock CP4.2 Pump
- Upgraded heavy duty FPRV Screen
- Pinned followers to prevent buckets from rotating
- Increased roller diameter to reduce their susceptibility to contamination and lower cam/rollers stress
- No Core Charge
Shipping: This Product cannot ship to the state of California
NOTE: This product has the following shipping restriction(s):
  • This product cannot be shipped to California
Pricing: $1,075.00

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NOTE: This product has the following shipping restriction(s):
  • This product cannot be shipped to California


Are you losing rail pressure from a worn out CP4.2 pump? Are you in need of a factory replacement pump? From stock up to 550+HP Exergy's Improved Stock LML CP4.2 pumps are the best and most affordable solution for an upgraded pump that won't require supporting modifications or tuning.

Exergy's Improved Stock pump comes with their System Saver Inlet Metering Valve installed. This inlet valve replaces the factory single layer 85 micron inlet screen that is molded in a plastic frame with their two layer 10 micron screen which is mounted on a stainless steel frame that will not fail when the screen fills with debris and becomes a restriction. Not only is the screen over eight times finer than the factory screen, but the addition of another layer further increases protection from debris.

Based on a number of injector sets they have tested from systems with a failed pump with a System Saver installed it appears that injector survivability is increased more than 85% when compared to pump failures with the factory screen.

Exergy Improved CP4.2 pumps now also include the following features:
- Pump followers are now pinned which prevents the buckets from rotating, causing the roller to grind along the cam.
- Rollers now have an increased diameter which makes them less susceptible to contamination jamming the roller. It also lowers the stresses at the cam/roller interface.
Note: Though a lift pump is not required, to achieve maximum pump performance a fuel supply of 150 GPH @ 8-10 psi per pump is recommended.





Shipping Information

  • Item Requires Shipping
  • 18.0 lbs.
  • W11.0000” x H11.0000” x L11.0000”
  • This item ships in its own box.
  • This Product cannot ship to the state of California

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